
“And all the stories had, somewhere, the witch. The wicked old witch.
And Tiffany had thought: Where’s the evidence?”

― Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men

So a person might apply to a collage artist residency in Scotland because

1) that person is a collage artist and


But then there is a 120 year old book about the place in Scotland where the residency is located, so a person starts reading it. And there is a chapter about witches…both about witches and witch trials in Scotland generally and the specifics of this place…and BOOM.

  • A whole bunch of disturbing history I had forgotten about is back front and center,
  • As well as a whole bunch of positive stuff about “witches” (if you have read Terry Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching books you will know a large part of what I am thinking of). 
  • Plus, I have recently watched all or parts of two different version of Macbeth

No idea how yet, but this will almost certainly be percolating into and through my residency this September. 

(Also, it is worth reading the chapter because, in addition to the witches, it mentions curling).

More to come before, during and after the residency! To learn more about it, see details here: http://kck.st/3SHNapB.

multiple plate etching 9″ x 6″